Frequently Asked Questions
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Accident & Health
Accident & Health
Why am I being referred to another company to handle my claim?
The insurance is arranged by Crispin Speers & Partners but is a contract between your employer and certain underwriters at Lloyd's of London under which you, as an employee, are a beneficiary. Claims are handled by the company named on the certificate who act on behalf of, and have authority to represent, those insurers… [Read Full FAQ]
Who is the scheme designed for?
Our Travel Insurance is designed for companies wishing to offset any liability they have for staff travelling on business on their behalf. We also provide options to include Leisure Travel for employees and their families or a leisure only solution for companies wishing to provide Travel Insurance as a company benefit… [Read Full FAQ]
Who is the insurer on the Travel Insurance?
The details of the insurer can be found in the full certificate wording that is available through your employer. Where the insurance carries the Lloyd's of London logo this is underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd's of London. For the purposes of confirming your insurance to official authorities or tour operators you should explain that you are covered under an insurance certificate arranged by your employer with Lloyd's of London through Lloyd's insurance broker, Crispin Speers & Partners… [Read Full FAQ]
What trips does this Insurance cover?
Our travel insurance operates for defined periods, usually of one year. To qualify, a trip must begin and end within that period. For example, an insurance that expires on 31 March will cover all trips that begin and end on or before that day provided they do not exceed the maximum allowed duration.If a trip runs through a renewal date, provided your Employer renews your Insurance with us, we will cover that trip… [Read Full FAQ]
What if my trip is longer than the maximum trip duration?
If your trip is longer than the maximum trip duration please contact us before you travel and we may be able to arrange for extended cover. If we do not formally confirm cover is in place for an extended trip then there is no cover in place for any of the trip… [Read Full FAQ]
What happens when I leave my employment?
Your cover, and cover for any dependents under your membership, will stop as soon as you leave the company/employment… [Read Full FAQ]
What does “against local authoritative advice” mean?
Our travel insurance policies cover off piste activity subject to you not being alone or acting contrary to local authoritative advice. This means that you will not be covered for going off piste if this is against the guidance of anyone you should reasonably have checked with and listened to. This is not an onerous requirement. For Insurers to avoid a claim, they would have to show that such guidance was readily available and that you ignored it… [Read Full FAQ]
What do I do if I need documents for Visa purposes?
Where we provide Evidence of Insurances (EoIs), we issue these as soon as we receive the final membership of the scheme from your employer or we are advised of your addition to the scheme if mid-term. If you haven’t received your EoI please contact us. This EoI will provide the necessary evidence for applying for a visa.Please remember that EoIs are not provided on all schemes… [Read Full FAQ]
What activities can I undertake on a trip?
You should refer to the full certificate wording to establish precisely what is and is not covered… [Read Full FAQ]
I need to make a claim what should I do?
You should refer to your Evidence of Insurance which contains details of the company appointed to handle claims. Their details also appear in the Certificate available from your Human Resources Department… [Read Full FAQ]
How will I receive my insurance documents?
You will be able to access the full terms and conditions of the Insurance from your Employer. We may also send you an e-mail Evidence of Insurance. This is a summary document and provides the key points of contact. It does not contain the full terms and conditions… [Read Full FAQ]
How should I interpret Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office advice?
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) gives advice to travellers. CSP travel insurance will not cover you if you travel to a country/part of a country which the FCDO advise against all travelIf the FCDO advise against all but essential travel to a country or part of a country, we will cover Business Trips to such locations but not Leisure Trips.You should check the status of any country you intend to visit and wish to be covered in. The FCDO gives country specific advice at its website… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I protect my holiday arrangements from financial failure or if the airline stops trading?
The Travel industry recognises that protecting customer money and ensuring that customers receive services and holidays for which they have paid, is a matter of major importance to those who book travel. It therefore operates a number of schemes to ensure that its customers are not left out of pocket when an airline, operator or agent fails. You should contact your organiser or the company direct to find out what protection they have given you. Package holidays booked through those who hold an Air Tour Organisers Licence (ATOL) should be covered and you can contact the Civil Aviation Authority (www… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I get a copy of the Travel Insurance Terms and Conditions?
The insurance has been arranged with your employer who has a responsibility to make this available to you. If you would like to see this, we recommend you contact your Human Resources department… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I change the information CSP holds about me?
The details we hold are provided by your employer. If you need to change a name, add or remove dependants etc. then you must contact your Human Resources department and they will advise us accordingly… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I add or remove people from my scheme?
The membership data we use is provided by your company. We recommend you contact your Human Resources department to make any changes and they will arrange for this to be communicated to us… [Read Full FAQ]
How do cover limits work?
With the insurance documentation is a Schedule of Benefits that show the maximum amount payable under each section of the Insurance. This limit applies to each person who is insured. For example, if the Cancellation limit is £3,000, for an Employee with Family cover the policy will cover up to £3,000 per covered family member should they have to cancel the holiday for an insured and covered reason/event. The sections may also have an excess which reflects the first amount you will have to pay in the event of a claim. This also applies to each person… [Read Full FAQ]
Does the Insurance cover trips within the UK?
Yes, provided they include an overnight stay in pre-booked accommodation and/or in internal flight on a commercial airline… [Read Full FAQ]
Does my travel insurance allow me to travel when pregnant?
If you are pregnant you can still travel and be covered by our travel insurance. The insurance covers unforeseen events, including premature birth, but will not cover routine examinations or treatments while abroad… [Read Full FAQ]
Does my insurance cover mountain evacuation?
This insurance covers the cost of removal to medical facilities by ambulance where this is medically necessary. There is no specific requirement for this to be a road transfer, so other forms of rescue which are equivalent of an ambulance and medically necessary would be covered. In principle, only costs that are unavoidable will be covered and this would include air transport if it is the reasonable course.The Insurance does not cover Search and Rescue… [Read Full FAQ]
Can leisure travel be included for employees and their families?
If your employer has selected that option then yes, and it will cover them travelling independently from the employee. Children are covered up to the renewal date following their 18th or, if in full time education 23rd birthday… [Read Full FAQ]
Aviation General FAQs
Will the CAA issue a certificate to confirm that an aircraft is insured in accordance with the Regulation?
No. However, If evidence of insurance is supplied as part of the registration process, or in response to a request for evidence, the Aircraft Registration Section will confirm in writing that the aircraft met the requirements of the legislation on the day that the details were verified. The G-INFO website gives details of those aircraft that have had their insurance details verified. CSP Aviation works closely with the CAA to ensure aircraft are noted as being insured… [Read Full FAQ]
Whats is an SDR?
SDR means “Special Drawing Right” as defined by the International Monetary Fund. The full description of the SDR can be found at the IMF website. Briefly, the SDR serves as the unit of account of the IMF and some other international organizations. Its value is based on a basket of key international currencies. The SDR is already in use in international regulations covering mandatory aircraft insurance for public transport aircraft.To view the current conversion rates from SDR’s to other currencies and vice versa see the the IMF website SDR conversion rates.The G-INFO UK Register website contains… [Read Full FAQ]
What is the definition of hull ground risks coverage?
Hull ground risks insurance would cover the aircraft whilst it is parked with the engine shut down, against fire, theft and vandalism and in the case of Microlights would also cover them whilst they are being trailered behind your car.In some cases insurers will also include some periodic engine running if the aircraft is unlikely to be flown for some time… [Read Full FAQ]
What is the definition of hull flight risks coverage?
Hull flight risks offers all of the ground risks coverage above but also includes engine running, taxiing and flight risks… [Read Full FAQ]
What is the definition of a “passenger”?
A passenger is defined in the regulation as follows. ‘Passenger' means any person who is on a flight with the consent of the air carrier or the aircraft operator, excluding on-duty members of both the flight crew and the cabin crew… [Read Full FAQ]
What is a Deductible/Excess?
Quite simply, if you insure an aircraft and it gets damaged, the 'Excess' is the amount of money that you have to pay in the event of an insurance claim. Other terms for 'excess' include: Deductible and Non Waiver… [Read Full FAQ]
My aircraft is not currently flying, does it have to be insured?
No, but it must be insured to the minimum levels before any flight is undertaken… [Read Full FAQ]
How to calculate the number of passenger seats?
The number of passenger seats, not including the pilot… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I work out what the minimum insurance requirements are for my aircraft?
The G-INFO database has an estimate of the minimum insurance requirements, in SDR’s and Pounds Sterling, based on the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft and the maximum number of passengers carried. You may advise the CAA of a lower maximum number of passengers carried and this lower figure will be used as the basis for estimate… [Read Full FAQ]
Does the insurance policy have to be in the name of the registered owner?
Not necessarily. The regulation requires that insurance cover, in compliance with the regulations, exists for each and every flight. As long as the cover is sufficient in all respects for the flight being undertaken the registered owner does not have to be the insured party… [Read Full FAQ]
Employee Benefits
Employee Benefits Gadget Insurance
What precautions must I take against theft to be covered?
You must not deliberately leave items away from your person. If you wish to leave them on open view in a public place then you should take reasonable precautions, for example keeping them within arm’s length and in your sight. If the item is stolen from your premises there must be evidence of forcible entry… [Read Full FAQ]
What happens when my gadget exceeds the maximum age allowed?
Provided you have had unbroken cover with us since before the age was exceeded, we will continue to cover the item for its lifetime. You should be aware however that older items have much lower values and this insurance does not operate on a new for old basis. If we replace an older item it will be with a refurbished model or one with the same specification… [Read Full FAQ]
What happens to my manufacturer’s warranty once my item has been repaired or replaced?
All repairs and replacements carried out under this insurance come with a 12month warranty. Please refer to your manufacturer’s warranty to see whether this will be impacted… [Read Full FAQ]
What gadgets can be covered?
The list of eligible gadgets can be found on the schedule. Gadgets must be less than three years old and laptops must be less than 18 months old when you first opt into becoming a member of our Company programme (the initial start date… [Read Full FAQ]
My item is a replacement via another insurance policy which means the IMEI number on my proof of ownership does not match my item. Is my item covered?
Yes, provided you can provide a document from the insurance company or network provider which confirms the relevant details this will act as the proof that you own the gadget and show the date you received it… [Read Full FAQ]
I purchased my item via my company’s salary sacrifice scheme, is my item covered?
Yes, the salary sacrifice agreement document will act as the proof that you own the gadget, and the date of purchase… [Read Full FAQ]
How will a claim that exceeds the amount of cover I have remaining be handled?
If we are to provide replacement items we will ask you to pay the amount over and above the limit for which we are liable. If the item needs repair you will be required to pay the extra over the limit before repair commences… [Read Full FAQ]
How long can I expect a repair to take?
We aim to complete all repairs as quickly as possible, but the extent of any damage and the availability of parts will determine how long a repair will take. However, we will keep you informed throughout the process… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I prove purchase for a contract phone?
Where the gadget is provided as part of an ongoing service contract, you will need to provide evidence of that contract showing the gadget provided. We will accept this document as a purchase receipt… [Read Full FAQ]
Does the insurance cover purchases from eBay or other auction sites?
Yes but only if the purchase is from a properly constituted trading company that is a registered seller on the site and only sells brand new items at a pre-set price. We cover only new items for which commercial purchase receipts can be provided, via these sites (as refurbished items can only be covered if they are purchased directly from the manufacturer, the network provider or as supplied by the insurer or the claims handler following a claim). We do not cover any second hand items or any gadget purchased from private individuals whether directly, or through auction sites… [Read Full FAQ]
Does the insurance cover my children’s gadgets?
Yes, provided you have elected employee and immediate family cover and your children do not exceed the age specified in the schedule, and permanently reside with you, their gadgets are also covered. Please note this cover does not extend to children who spend part or all of their time living away from home at a university, college, or any other educational institution. To qualify for cover children must live full-time with the employee… [Read Full FAQ]
Does the insurance cover gifts given to me?
Yes but you must be the legal owner of the property. In the event of a claim for an item for which you became the legal owner through a gifting, you must still be able to provide proof of ownership such as a document from a high street or online retailer showing the date of purchase and either the IMEI number, serial number or unique device identifier of a brand new gadget and confirmation of the gifting. Provided you can, then your item will be covered… [Read Full FAQ]
Do I have to provide proof of ownership?
Yes. You must be able to provide an original purchase receipt provided at the point of sale, from a recognised commercial enterprise or retail outlet that gives details of the gadget purchased, including date of purchase, or other documents that provide similar proof that you own the gadget and the date of purchase… [Read Full FAQ]
Are my items covered whilst I am travelling?
Yes, this insurance operates worldwide. There are of course the usual requirements about looking after your property, securing appropriate reports in the event of an insured incident and providing documentation to support your claim but provided these are met then your claim will be met even if the loss occurs outside the UK… [Read Full FAQ]
Employee Benefits Personal Accident Insurance
Why am I being referred to another company to handle my claim?
The insurance is arranged by Crispin Speers & Partners but is, in fact, a contract between your employer and certain underwriters at Lloyd's of London under which you, as an employee, are a beneficiary. Claims are handled by the company named on the certificate who act on behalf of, and have authority to represent, those insurers… [Read Full FAQ]
When will the policy pay a claim?
The insurance pays compensation when an insured person suffers a serious injury as a result of an accident. If you have been involved in an accident you should refer to the policy to see what level of damage must have arisen for a claim to be met. This varies and cannot be dealt with here. You should note that the insurance is not an income replacement plan. The intention of the insurance is to pay a lump sum where the prescribed level of damage or disability is reached.Accident is defined in the policy as "a sudden, unexpected, unusual, specific… [Read Full FAQ]
What Information should I receive from CSP?
We send out a confirmation of cover letter which shows your election details and some details about the cover. This includes information about how to make a claim. To issue this we secure details of electing employees from the Company. This is usually passed to us within a few days of it commencing.If you need to check what you elected, please do so with your employer. If you need to make a claim it would be best to refer to the policy document your employer is required to make available to you and then contact the claims handler. You… [Read Full FAQ]
What happens when I leave my company's employment?
The scheme will contain rules about what happens when you leave. You should refer to the policy wording for details. As a general guideline, most policies discontinue cover at the end of the month but your cover may cease immediately.Once your cover ceases, you cannot be insured by Crispin Speers & Partners because we do not accept premiums direct from individuals in this way. We recommend that you seek the advice of an insurance broker with experience in the field of Personal Accident insurance… [Read Full FAQ]
I need to make a claim what should I do?
You should refer to the documentation that you received at the outset which contains details of the company appointed to handle claims. Their details also appear in the policy document… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I get my Personal Accident policy document?
The insurance has been arranged with your employer who has a responsibility to make this available to you from the point at which the election window opened. If you would like to see this again or want to hold a copy you should visit your company's intranet site or contact your HR department… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I change the information CSP holds about me?
The details we hold are provided by your employer. If you need to change a name on your policy, amend your address, add or remove dependants etc. then you must contact your HR department so that they can change their records. This will then form part of the regular updates we receive from your employer and will filter through into our records in due course. We will issue an amended member letter to you in due course… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I add or remove people from my scheme?
The data we use is provided by the company you work for so you will need to discuss the change with them. The scheme has rules about who can be added and when, but your employer will tell you these and help you make any necessary changes. Data files are usually submitted to us on a monthly basis and we will issue a revised member letter where a substantive change takes place… [Read Full FAQ]
Can I nominate beneficiaries in the event of my death?
There is no provision within this insurance for you to nominate a beneficiary. There is no guaranteed payout here. Payment will be made on your death if this is a result of a qualifying accident as defined and all other terms of the policy are met.If you die intestate (without a will) then the courts will appoint an administrator who will ensure that your estate receives all money due and will allocate this according to his understanding of the situation. If you make a will then you can state your wishes and these will be carried through by the… [Read Full FAQ]
Employee Benefits Travel Insurance
Will my travel insurance cover me for emergency medical expenses arising from COVID-19 whilst on holiday?
Cover will be provided for emergency medical expenses arising from COVID-19 provided you have not travelled to or have not remained in any country or area contrary to Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) travel advice. Please note that some sections of the policy have a COVID-19 exclusion please refer to the certificate wording for full detail… [Read Full FAQ]
Why isn't the disruption of travel extension included in the travel insurance?
Disruption of travel cover has been offered as an additional item as a cost to all of our corporate customers since 2014. The decision as to whether to include this extra benefit has been made by your employer… [Read Full FAQ]
Why am I being referred to another company to handle my claim?
The insurance is arranged by Crispin Speers & Partners but is, in fact, a contract between your employer and certain underwriters at Lloyd's of London under which you, as an employee, are a beneficiary. Claims are handled by the company named on the certificate who act on behalf of, and have authority to represent, those insurers… [Read Full FAQ]
Who is the insurer on the travel insurance?
The details of the insurer can be found in the full certificate wording that is available through your employer. Where the insurance carries the Lloyd's of London logo this is underwritten by certain underwriters at Lloyd's of London. For the purposes of confirming your insurance to official authorities or tour operators you should explain that you are covered under an insurance certificate arranged by your employer with Lloyd's of London through Lloyd's insurance broker, Crispin Speers & Partners… [Read Full FAQ]
Where can I travel on my travel insurance?
Most of our policies offer European or Worldwide cover unless agreed otherwise with your employer. Our European policies often extend to other areas too, for example African countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea may be included without additional charge. The full definition of where we cover for Europe can be found on the full policy wording.Worldwide really does mean precisely what it says. You can travel to any country in the world as long as the FCDO are not advising against travel there. This includes cover for countries such as the USA and Canada as we know some customers have… [Read Full FAQ]
What is the effect of my winter sports extension?
To take part in any activity that is usually undertaken on snow or ice (other than ice skating, dog sledging or using a form of public transport to get from one place to another), you must have purchased a cover that "includes winter sports"Taking the winter sports option means that all sections of the policy are extended to include your winter sports activity. Most notable of these are the sections that pay for your removal to hospital, medical treatment and repatriation following an injury.You will also have the benefit of cover for your winter sports equipment and circumstances… [Read Full FAQ]
What is covered if I hire a car?
Your travel insurance will cover you for your own injury whilst using the vehicle. You should ensure that you have separate full motor insurance in place to cover the cost of any claim against you for damage or injury you cause to a third party. You will not be covered under any section of the certificate for injury or damage to another person or their property arising from the use of the vehicle. Damage to the car itself is not covered but if your employer has purchased the Collision Damage Waiver Excess cover you may have cover for the excess… [Read Full FAQ]
What Information should I receive from CSP?
When a scheme starts or renews, in the same month we will send out confirmation of cover emails once we have received membership data from your employer to confirm to us who is on cover. This includes the full policy wording and information about how to make a claim… [Read Full FAQ]
What happens if my airline stops trading?
The Travel industry recognises that protecting customer money and ensuring that customers receive services and holidays for which they have paid, is a matter of major importance to those who book travel. It therefore operates a number of schemes to ensure that its customers are not left out of pocket when an airline, operator or agent fails. You should contact your organiser or the company direct to find out what protection they have given you. Package holidays booked through those who hold an Air Tour Organisers Licence (ATOL) should be covered and you can contact the Civil Aviation Authority (www… [Read Full FAQ]
What does skiing off piste against local authoritative advice mean?
Provided you have a policy that includes winter sports, our travel insurance policies cover off piste activity subject to your not acting contrary to local authoritative advice.By this Insurers mean that you will not be covered for going off piste if there is guidance in place from anyone you should reasonably have checked with and listened to. This is not an onerous requirement. Insurers simply expect that you don't act recklessly. In order to avoid a claim they would have to show that guidance was readily available that you should not go off piste or into an area… [Read Full FAQ]
What activities can I undertake on holiday?
You should refer to the full certificate wording where we have a list of activities and circumstances related to activities that are excluded under the policy… [Read Full FAQ]
Reduced Benefit Age
CSP Insurance policies refer to a reduced benefit age. The insurance contains lower limits for those below this age in only some areas where to give the full cover would be inappropriate or unacceptable. This relates to the baggage and cash limits (which are halved for these younger people) and the Personal Accident death benefit, the level of which is specifically stated in the table of benefits… [Read Full FAQ]
Leaving employment
CSP provides insurance to companies for the benefit of employees. The travel insurance you have through your employer will therefore expire at the end of the month in which you leave the employment of your company (unless agreed otherwise with your employer) but will cover all qualifying trips that begin in that period even if they go beyond the end of the month. This is set out in the definition of TRIP in the full wording available through your employer.We regret that it is not possible to extend the cover beyond that nor can we offer a replacement cover… [Read Full FAQ]
Is golf equipment covered?
CSP's travel insurances do cover loss of, theft of or accidental damage to (other than whilst in use) of golf equipment but you should be aware that there will be a maximum amount payable for a set of articles. The maximum amount for a single article is shown under the baggage section on your schedule available both in the member letter you will have received and the full certificate wording available through your company.Insurers will view all your golf equipment as a set so you should consider whether the maximum payable is sufficient. The insurance does not cover… [Read Full FAQ]
I need to make a claim what should I do?
You should refer to your Policy Wording document that you received at the outset which contains details of the company appointed to handle claims. You should also be able to access this information via your benefits portal… [Read Full FAQ]
How should I interpret FCDO advice?
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) gives advice to travellers. CSP travel insurance will not cover you if you are in an area to which the FCDO have advised against travel so you should check the status of any country you intend to visit and wish to be covered in. The FCDO gives country specific advice at its website. Where the FCDO advise against travel, all but essential travel, or leisure travel then your insurance excludes cover in those areas. The FCDO sometimes advises against travel to “some areas” of a country rather than the whole country. Where they… [Read Full FAQ]
How long can I be away for?
The maximum period for which you can be away is shown on the schedule under the title of maximum trip duration. The schedule can be found in the full policy wording available through your employer. Any trip that exceeds this duration is not covered at all and you should seek alternative cover… [Read Full FAQ]
How do the cover limits work?
With the insurance documentation is a Table of Benefits that show the maximum amount that can be paid under each section of the certificate. This limit applies to each person who is insured. For example, where you have a family cover with a £3,000 limit for cancellation, the insurance covers each person for up to £3,000 should they have to cancel the holiday for an insured and covered reason/event. The sections may also have an excess which reflects the first amount you will have to pay in the event of a claim. Again, this also applies to… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I prove my insurance to the authorities?
Your employer manages the master list of members. It may take time for them to notify us of additions or changes.We cannot change information on our records since to do so will not change the master records.We cannot issue documentation where we do not have the information from your employer.If you do not yet have a confirmation of cover email from us there is absolutely no need for concern. Please do the followinga) be sure that your election to the scheme is made and registered with your employerb) take a copy of the certificate wording available… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I protect my holiday arrangements from financial failure?
The Travel industry recognises that protecting customer money and ensuring that customers receive services and holidays for which they have paid, is a matter of major importance to those who book travel. It therefore operates a number of schemes to ensure that its customers are not left out of pocket when an airline, operator or agent fails. You should contact your organiser or the company direct to find out what protection they have given you. Package holidays booked through those who hold an Air Tour Organisers Licence (ATOL) should be covered and you can contact the Civil Aviation Authority (www… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I get details of the insurance before the scheme starts?
During the election period your employer will make the details available to you. If you do not know where to find this please contact your HR department. We send out confirmation emails once we have received the membership data from your employer… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I change the information CSP holds about me?
The details we hold are provided by your employer. If you need to change a name, amend your address, add or remove dependants etc. then you must contact your HR department so that they can change their records. This will then form part of the regular updates we receive from your employer and will filter through into our records in due course… [Read Full FAQ]
How do I add or remove people from my scheme?
The membership data we use is provided by your company. We recommend you contact your HR department to make any changes and they will update the membership details with us and we will update our records… [Read Full FAQ]
Does my travel insurance provide personal liability cover whilst skiing?
As long as you have opted for winter sports cover the travel insurance policy will provide personal liability cover in the event that you cause accidental injury to a third party or damage to third party property whilst participating in an insured winter sports activity. Please see your table of benefits for cover limits and excess amounts. for the amount of cover provided… [Read Full FAQ]
Does my travel insurance cover sailing?
You should refer to the policy wording for full details of the cover. Our travel insurance policies cover claims arising from sailing within coastal waters. You should however note that some policies do not cover search and rescue.Please refer to the Policy Wording for information if search and rescue cover is included.The limit of coastal waters is defined by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. It usually means a belt of coastal waters extending at most 12 nautical miles (22.2 km; 13.8 mi) from the baseline (usually the mean low-water… [Read Full FAQ]
Does my travel insurance allow me to travel when pregnant?
If you are pregnant you can still travel on your Crispin Speers & Partners travel insurance. The insurance covers unforeseen events and will not cover routine examinations or treatments while abroad but being pregnant is not of itself an exclusion. Please refer to the section headed ‘Pregnancy’ on the full policy wording for full terms and conditions… [Read Full FAQ]
Does my insurance cover rescue from the ski slope?
The insurance includes cover for being taken away from a location at which YOU have become ill or injured where medically necessary by the most appropriate method. This includes the use of road ambulance, air ambulance or helicopter evacuation where this form of transport is medically necessary and unavoidable… [Read Full FAQ]
Does my insurance cover me for damage to rented accommodation?
Your travel insurance will cover you for damage to a third party's property but only if this arises from your negligence and is in respect of short term holiday let. The insurance does NOT cover any liability you might incur for other reasons - such as where your contract makes you liable for breakages irrespective of how this arises - and you may need therefore cover above and beyond that offered here.CSP staff cannot give definitive guidance on what responsibility you might enter into through letting property and you would be wise therefore to seek legal advice as to whether… [Read Full FAQ]
Does it matter that my passport and travel insurance have different names on them?
There is no legal requirement for travel insurance and passport details to match. In the event of a claim we will need to establish that the person making the claim is the person insured with us, but the passport is not essential to that process… [Read Full FAQ]
Do I need a winter sports extension to visit Santa?
The insurance explicitly states that YOU do not need to elect WINTER SPORTS cover to undertake ice skating, dog sledding and travelling on commercially operated transport that takes YOU from one specific place to another. If your intention is not to ski, snowboard etc. and you will only be taking trips on operator provided transport services, there is no need to have included the winter sports option on the insurance… [Read Full FAQ]
Cover before the start date or after the end date of the insurance
Our travel insurance operates for defined periods, usually of one year. To qualify a trip must begin within that period but it can end outside the period. So for example an insurance that expires on 31 March will cover all trips that begin on or before that day provided they do not exceed the maximum allowed duration… [Read Full FAQ]
Can I waive the excess on my policy?
CSP doesn't currently offer the option to cancel the excess on the policy. This small amount payable by claimants helps to reduce the cost of the insurance by limiting the number of smaller claims and the administration cost of handling them… [Read Full FAQ]
Can I get personalised documents?
We do not provide personalised documents. We will provide you with a confirmation of cover email which includes the certificate (policy) wording and IPID (Insurance Product Information Document) once we are in receipt of membership details from your employer. You should carry the emergency numbers and certificate number with you when you are travelling… [Read Full FAQ]
Can I extend the maximum trip length?
Your travel insurance with us is a multi-trip policy.All of our travel insurances specify on the schedule how long a trip can be. If your trip is longer than the maximum days allowed then no part of it is insured and you will need to seek alternative cover for the whole of your trip… [Read Full FAQ]
Can I change my cover mid-term?
Changes to cover midterm are subject to specific lifestyle events that have been agreed with your company. Please refer to the Eligibility section on the full policy wording to see what these are. If you experience one of the qualifying lifestyle events and wish to change your cover midterm, please contact your HR/employee benefits team so that they can update your selection… [Read Full FAQ]
Can dependants travel independently without the employee?
Your dependants (including children) may travel independently and unaccompanied, but you should be aware there may be a reduced trip limit for dependants travelling without you on a winter sports trip. You can find this information on the schedule on your policy wording… [Read Full FAQ]
Are pre-existing medical conditions covered?
These schemes are not medically underwritten and as a result most illnesses are covered as standard. You are not required to declare any pre-existing medical conditions. However, you should refer to the full certificate wording, available from your employer, for full details of the circumstances in which medical conditions would not be covered; for example if you are travelling against the advice of your medical practitioner.The insurance specifically excludes claims arising from “the use of drugs not taken in accordance with the treatment prescribed and directed by a registered medical practitioner; the use of drugs to treat drug… [Read Full FAQ]